
Ecclesiology of a 5 Year Old

If ecclesiology seems like a big word, it's just the "study of church."  This morning, my son Caleb (who is 5) woke up with pink eye.  As this can be highly contagious, I told him he wouldn't be able to go to church, but would have to stay home with mom.  Tears began to well up in his eyes.  He began begging me to go.  He said, "Dad, I won't let anyone touch my eyes I promise."  I couldn't help but cry too.  He taught me something amazing about church this morning.  A lot of people can find any excuse they can to avoid going to church on a Sunday.  They find it easy to miss a week if there is even a hint of inconvenience.  They see church as a "place you go to" or a "service to attend."  My son could really care less about the music, or the sermon.  But, he absolutely loves the people of Praxis.  Many thanks to all of you at Praxis who make our kids feel so loved.  Caleb couldn't bear the thought of not seeing you this morning.  I read recently in a book called The Tangible Kingdom that said, "Church must not be the goal.  Church should be what ends up happening as a natural response to people wanting to follow us, be with us, and be like us as we are following the way of Christ."  My son seems to get this.  Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he said unless we become like little children we can't enter the kingdom (see Matthew 18).  I shared what I learned from my son with our church this morning.  It was hard to fight back tears.  But I have to say, I've learned one of my greatest lessons in ecclesiology from a 5 year old.  I'm so proud of him.       

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